These general terms and conditions of use govern the use of the website. The publisher of this site is Campus One Sarl, Place du Bourg de Four 4, 1204 Geneva. These general terms and conditions apply to the entire Site, for all products and services offered on it, and may be supplemented by special conditions specific to certain Services. In such a case, the special conditions will be found directly on the page related to the specific services. If the special terms and conditions are in contradiction with these TOU, the special terms and conditions shall prevail.


Site: the website Content: any information, data, text, software, music, photograph, graphic, image, video, message or other data on the Site Publisher: the publisher of the Site General Conditions of Use or GCU: the present general conditions, applicable to the use of the Site User: user of the Site Service: all the services of the Site


The User agrees to be bound by the TOS in their entirety when using the Site. If the User does not wish to be bound by them, the User must leave the Site immediately.


The TOS may be modified at any time by the Site, at its sole discretion. It is the User’s responsibility to check the new content each time he/she visits the Site.


The Site is a showcase site representing the offers and services provided by Campus. The User may comment on certain articles by registering on the Site and respecting the conditions of use of the service. The User undertakes to use the Content only for lawful purposes, in compliance with the Swiss law in force or any other law that may apply to him/her, and in accordance with the GCU. The User will be held responsible for any violation.


Despite the care taken to update the Content, the Site cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information contained therein. Consequently, subject to the provisions of mandatory Swiss law, the Site cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions, inaccuracies or any damage, direct or indirect, of any nature whatsoever, resulting from the consultation and/or use of the Site.


The Site is the exclusive owner of all intellectual property rights both on the structure of the Site and on its Content. All Content reproduced on the Site is protected by intellectual property rights and is the exclusive property of the Site or its partners. Consequently, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, modification, translation, transformation, broadcasting, integration into another site (framing), commercial exploitation and/or reuse in any way whatsoever of the Content is strictly forbidden without the prior written authorisation of the Site. Consultation and use of the Site does not confer any intellectual property rights to the user on any element reproduced on the Site. Any use contrary to the law or to the GCU may give rise to civil and/or criminal legal proceedings and the payment of damages.


The Site may contain hypertext links to other websites. The User visits these sites under his or her sole and entire responsibility. The Site cannot be held responsible for the content of these third-party sites, in the event that a User suffers damage as a result.


The Site undertakes to protect Users’ data.


The use of the Site is made under the sole and entire responsibility of the User. Consequently, the Site cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage of any nature whatsoever, in particular loss of earnings, loss of profits, loss of clientele, data, material or immaterial goods that may result from the use or the impossibility of using the Site. In particular, the Site declines all responsibility concerning the functioning of software or the transmission of any data or information on the Internet, nor in the event of a computer attack which would cause damage to a User or a third party. The Site is in principle accessible at all times. However, the Site declines all responsibility in the event of technical impossibility of connection, whether due to a case of force majeure, a maintenance operation, an editorial update, a network interruption or breakdown, a power cut, a failure, poor configuration or poor use of the User’s computer, or any other cause dependent or not on the will of the Site. Any material downloaded by a User in the course of using the Services is done so at the User’s own risk and the Site declines all responsibility for any damage or loss of data suffered by the User as a result. The Site takes all measures to prevent malicious programs or viruses from being found on its Site. However, the Site cannot guarantee that the latter is free of any malicious program or virus. The Site cannot be held responsible in the event of contamination by a virus of the User’s computer equipment, to which it is incumbent to take all necessary preventive measures. The Site reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to interrupt temporarily or permanently all or part of the Site, without this interruption giving rise to any right to compensation or recourse on the part of a User or a third party.


The GTC are subject to Swiss law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is Geneva, Switzerland. The provisions relating to the place of jurisdiction of consumers remain reserved.